Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Anmore Tour - L4

The skies looked threatening early in the afternoon, with distant booming of Thunderstorms. So I mentally changed gears from WTNC attendance to just riding locally IFF things looked better.

Well by 7:00 it did look better so I headed out for an attempt at a fast Anmore Tour.

Was within one minute of PB at Buntzen, then 45 seconds at Whitepine, Belcarra and Burrard Thermal. About two - three minutes getting home (97 minutes, PB is just under 95.)

Appears to be an NP-Buster ride. Best 60 minutes at NPavg of 295 watts, for 111 TSS, IF 1.053.

Probably didn't drink enough, only went through one bottle and dropped just about 3lbs. It was quite warm.