Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pez Toolbox - TT advice

Some more good articles over at Pez Toolbox:

There is some really good advice in the 36 ways to a faster TT, which may help to avoid many of the common mistakes. I know I have been late for my start (#2), done my turn arounds too slowly (#3 and #4), had the rear tire shift on the start because it was not bolted down tightly (#6), ate too much too close to the start (#9), tried something "new" (#10), didn't check that the "official time" was fast (#13), and generally (still!) do an inadequate warmup (#14, #15, #16, #17 and #19).

It also had some good suggestions. I had not thought of (#22) starting my timer exactly one minute (i.e. when previous rider starts..) so that I don't have to try and poke at anything in that last few seconds, but still have a easy way to know what the time is.

The Time Trial pacing article addresses several strategies for pacing: FreeForm, Constant and what he calls the 5% solution. The latter gets his weak recommendation as probably matching what most people do naturally. Go out about 5% harder than your target power for the first half, and then maintain at least within -5% of your power for the second half.


rmur said...

"what he calls the 5% solution. The latter gets his weak recommendation as probably matching what most people do naturally. Go out about 5% harder than your target power for the first half, and then maintain at least within -5% of your power for the second half"

uhm - that was in the case of a headwind outleg and tailwind return leg only!