Saturday, January 26, 2008

Computrainer - Calgary/Canmore 96K (only 74k done)

Nice and flat, Calgary/Canmore workout. L2 with a couple of short bursts to 400 watts for 30 seconds.

I think I have bottomed out the CTL at about 45. Now to start pushing it back up. Interestingly this is almost exactly the same CTL I had this time last year. But that was up from a low of 36 in Dec/06. And TSB was mostly negative for the next 8 months. Currently I'm still sitting on a nicely positive TSB. Which means I should be able to jump CTL up a bit more before TSB goes negative.

TSB being negative means harder perceived workouts. Muscles hurt more going into workouts. Training just becomes much less fun.

Entire workout (182 watts):

Duration: 2:25:03
Work: 1581 kJ
TSS: 105.6 (intensity factor 0.661)
Norm Power: 195
VI: 1.07
Pw:HR: n/a
Pa:HR: n/a
Distance: 73.955 km
Elevation Gain: 961 m
Elevation Loss: 1322 m
Grade: -0.5 % (-361 m)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 499 182 watts
Cadence: 12 112 71 rpm
Speed: 4.3 56.6 30.6 kph
Pace 1:04 13:57 1:58 min/km
Altitude: -419 293 -55 m
Crank Torque: 0 151.3 23.4 N-m