Saturday, February 9, 2008

Computrainer - Senior Warmup v2, KTownLong Paced

Started with senior warmup, but I modified that to be 4x350 watts instead of 3x340.

Finished with KTownLong using the pacer. I'm not sure if using the pacer is more "fun", but it does increase the variability of the workout and NPavg goes up. I managed 253 watts NP for 90 minutes. Which gets it classified as SST.

Entire workout (235 watts):

Duration: 1:32:44
Work: 1310 kJ
TSS: 113.3 (intensity factor 0.856)
Norm Power: 253
VI: 1.07
Pw:HR: n/a
Pa:HR: n/a
Distance: 55.81 km
Elevation Gain: 597 m
Elevation Loss: 593 m
Grade: 0.0 % (5 m)
Min Max Avg
Power: 87 713 235 watts
Cadence: 26 134 82 rpm
Speed: 13.7 54 36.1 kph
Pace 1:07 4:23 1:40 min/km
Altitude: -1 101 49 m
Crank Torque: 10.6 76.1 27.5 N-m
Again, because you can "rest" a bit, I managed to do more L6 and L7 bursts (10-30 seconds, anywhere from 500-700 watts, about seven.)