Saturday, February 23, 2008

Neaves Road TT

Cervelo out for minor repairs, so was out on the P2C today. Rode out to Pitt Meadows (Ford Road route) and then did a 12k TT on Neaves Road.

Verified, once again, that as soon as I hit the aero-bars my wattage goes up by about 20 watts (assuming I'm in VO2Max range...).

Neaves Road 14kTT:

Duration: 20:30
Work: 381 kJ
TSS: 39.1 (intensity factor 1.069)
Norm Power: 315
VI: 1.02
Pw:HR: n/a
Pa:HR: n/a
Distance: 13.975 km
Elevation Gain: 16 m
Elevation Loss: 19 m
Grade: -0.0 % (-3 m)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 493 310 watts
Cadence: 34 98 81 rpm
Speed: 10.1 50.4 40.9 kph
Pace 1:11 5:56 1:28 min/km
Altitude: 78 83 80 m
Crank Torque: 0 58.1 36.4 N-m
Temperature: 13 15 13.5 Celsius
Not a great time or NPavg, but good for this time of year. And other than TT bike no aero gear (helmet, wheels, clothing etc.)

It does confirm, that at least for TT bike, 295FTP is reasonable estimate (.90-.95*315)..