Wednesday, November 28, 2007

BVC Workout - L2 for an hour

Felt the blahs all day, almost skipped going out to the track..

Went and did solid hour of L2. With a bit of up and down getting in and around the other people on the track (who where mostly doing sprint drills or at least that what it felt like...) Kept running into small bunches which slows you down waiting for a good opportunity to get around them.

One hour:

Duration: 1:01:13
Work: 865 kJ
TSS: 63.1 (intensity factor 0.786)
Norm Power: 244
VI: 1.03
Distance: 40.402 km
Elevation Gain: 105 m
Elevation Loss: 102 m
Grade: 0.0 % (3 m)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 750 236 watts
Heart rate: 0 0 0 bpm
Cadence: 25 107 88 rpm
Speed: 11.6 49.3 39.6 kph
Pace 1:13 5:10 1:31 min/km
Altitude: 98 104 101 m
Crank Torque: 0 88.6 25.5 N-m
Temperature: 17 20 18.1 Celsius

I'm glad I went, felt much better after and now. Still feel like maybe a cold might be starting... but overall better for getting out and doing some work instead of sitting at home.