Sunday, October 7, 2007

Ford Road - L3, FTP lower

It was raining when I got up, but cleared by mid-afternoon. So I was able to get in a 2:30 ride. Ford Road, Tempo. Nice boost to CTL.

Entire workout (170 watts):

Duration: 2:28:08 (2:37:53)
Work: 1513 kJ
TSS: 128.2 (intensity factor 0.721)
Norm Power: 223
VI: 1.31
Distance: 60.766 km
Elevation Gain: 565 m
Elevation Loss: 581 m
Grade: -0.0 % (-16 m)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 600 170 watts
Heart rate: 0 0 0 bpm
Cadence: 25 100 68 rpm
Speed: 1.6 55.2 24.6 kph
Pace 1:05 37:30 2:26 min/km
Altitude: 58 363 112 m
Crank Torque: 0 112.2 25.2 N-m
Temperature: 12 21 13.6 Celsius

After reviewing the last months training and the Mt. Washington HC I suspect that my mid-summer FTP (320 watts) has dropped a bit. I'm guessing 310, probably from about the first week or two of September. This of course makes keeping CTL up a little easier... but of course indicates a loss of overall fitness.